Balance Yoni Wash is a gentle feminine wash that helps to reduce slight odors and cramps. It’s key ingredient is lavender, which helps with cramps, odor, and infections.
Balance is lighter than our original formula for yoni wash but still works to keep you fresh and balanced! Slight Odor? Want to maintain your PH level? Expecting Mommy? Pre-Teen or Teen? Sensitive Vagina?
Balance is for you. If your someone less prone to infections grab balance and experience it’s gentle formula.
This feminine wash is safe during pregnancy and can be used all over the body as well. A perfect wash to help introduce your daughter into feminine hygiene.
8oz Feminine Wash
Water Colorant is Natural & Safe
Shelf Life: 12 Months
*Should only be used around the vulva, never insert inside the vaginal opening.
Balance Yoni Wash
Calendula, Chamomile, Coconut Oil, Lavender, Tea Tree,
Peppermint, Aloe Vera, Sunflower Oil, Oregano.